pdf encryption
pdf encryption


Protect PDF. Tool to encrypt PDF with password


** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **

How do I encrypt a .pdf document

1. Open the PDF and choose Tools > Protect > Encrypt > Encrypt with Password. 2. If you receive a prompt, click Yes to change the security.

Securing PDFs with passwords, Adobe Acrobat

Open the PDF in Acrobat. From the global bar in the upper left, select All tools > Protect a PDF > Protect with password.

Home - PDFEncrypt - Password protect PDF files for free

PDFEncrypt is a free, open-source native Windows app that allows you to password protect (encrypt) PDF files for free, without purchasing expensive software ...

Password Protect PDF

評分 4.2 (13,462) A simple and secure web app to encrypt your PDF files with strong AES 128-bit encryption for free. Add password security to your PDF files in 5 easy steps.

Password protect PDF and encrypt a PDF for free | Acrobat

評分 4.7 (8,747) Add PDF password protection to your file to protect sensitive content. When you encrypt a PDF, only people with the password can view the file content.

Protect PDF. Tool to encrypt PDF with password

Encrypt and protect PDF with a password to safeguard sensitive information. Secure your PDF files online, with ease and without registration.


PDF文檔加密. 用密碼給PDF文檔加密, 以確保敏感數據的機密性。 上傳你的文檔,並轉換它。 選擇一個PDF文檔. 從電腦中上傳. 或者把PDF文檔拖動到這裡. PDF 加密.

How to Password Protect a PDF (With and Without Adobe Acrobat)

To encrypt a file from the main toolbox screen, click the Protect PDF button. Select the file or drag it onto the screen, create a password, and ...

Protect PDF - Protect your PDF documents online

評分 4.7 (15,307) · 免費 · 商業/生產力 Protect your PDF files online by adding a password that will prevent people from being able to copy or print your PDF document. Secure PDF files for free.

Password Protect PDF - Safely Encrypt your PDF Online

No registration or watermarks. Simple and secure way to password protect your PDFs with strong AES 256 bits encryption.


1.OpenthePDFandchooseTools>Protect>Encrypt>EncryptwithPassword.2.Ifyoureceiveaprompt,clickYestochangethesecurity.,OpenthePDFinAcrobat.Fromtheglobalbarintheupperleft,selectAlltools>ProtectaPDF>Protectwithpassword.,PDFEncryptisafree,open-sourcenativeWindowsappthatallowsyoutopasswordprotect(encrypt)PDFfilesforfree,withoutpurchasingexpensivesoftware ...,評分4.2(13,462)Asimpleandsecu...